Welcome to the Collectors Gallery website!

The Collectors Gallery was founded by me, Curt Holman and is dedicated to Star Wars entirely. It was started in 1987 out of the back of Starlog magazine on ads i ran on and off till about 1991. I also advertised in the back of Lucasfilm film fan club magazine when they didnt fuss about things like. I was selling off duplicates of my collection at that time. I then put together a small catalog and offered items for sale. I went into some of the other mainstream magazines later on and had up a website in 1997.

  (Dave Prowse and me)  curt.gif (34012 bytes) (Photo Allen Payne)

I didnt start ordering direct from the liscenses until 1993. With the capacity the internet offers  i have increased my market of Star Wars collectibles to a wide audience at a very reasonable rate. I try to be as low as i can  on most of the new stuff. Hopefully my low prices will increase your purchasing power to enable you to buy more items.

May the force be with you.       colorsab.gif (3620 bytes)

Curt Holman

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