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Classic ornaments Millenium Falcon 1996 Hallmark ornament ON SALE Code: FALORN Price: $29.95 Quantity in Basket: none Vehicles of Star Wars 1996 Hallmark ornament ON SALE Code: VEHORN Price: $4.95 Quantity in Basket: none Max Rebo band Hallmark 1999 set of 3 ornaments Code: REBOORN Price: $19.95 Quantity in Basket: none Darth Vaders Tie fighter 1999 Hallmark ornament Code: Born Price: $23.95 Quantity in Basket: none Princess Leia 1998 Star Wars Hallmark ornament Code: LEIAORN Price: $14.95 Quantity in Basket: none Star Wars 1998 Vintage lunchbox ornament Code: SWLBO Price: $25.95 Quantity in Basket: none Christopher Radko Chewbacca ornament Code: CRCHEWYORN Price: $124.95 Quantity in Basket: none Darth vader 1997 hallmark ornament mint in box Code: CVADERORN Price: $49.00 Quantity in Basket: none Xwing fighter 1998 hallmark ornament mint in box Code: XWINGORN Price: $47.95 Quantity in Basket: none Boba fett 1998 hallmark ornament Code: BOBAORN Price: $39.95 Quantity in Basket: none
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