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Vintage Williams Defender coin operated video arcade game restored
Vintage Williams Defender coin operated video arcade game restored
    Quantity in Basket: None
    Price: $1,499.95
    Shipping Weight: 300.00 pounds
    IN STOCK. Alien abductors are trying to capture humoinds left on the planet and you have to protect them. The scanner will show where the aliens are on the planet horizen. You have to capture the the abducted humonids from the aliens once they are picked up and going into the air otherwise they will fall to a certain death or be mutated once they read the sky and become an alien enemy. The entire planet will explode if the hunmoids are all destroyed. The hyperspace button puts you into an unkknow space warp and the smart bomb kills all enemies on screen. You will also face a mass of swarmers or mini ships that explode out of a mother ship you first destroy. This game has been completely restored and has a 90 day warrenty. It has a new cap kit installed for the power supply, main board and monitor. All leaf switches have been cleaned or replaced. It has been cleaned inside and out. The cabinet and graphics are in exceallant condition. Email us for more descriptions or pictures.

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